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Buy Popular Seeds

Buy Native Seeds

Buy Heirloom Vegetable Seeds

Buy Organic Seeds

Everwilde Farms is a unique company that works with seeds from several arenas, and brings them all under one roof. We have native wildflower seeds for sale, popular annual garden wildflower seeds, open pollinated herb and vegetable seeds, and a full line of organic herb and vegetable seeds. We have put a lot of thought into our packaging, and now offer all of our seeds (including organic seeds) in a new version of the Gold Vault resealable zip mylar packet that has been a great success over the past few years. All of our bulk seeds for sale are non-GMO, and we have very few hybrids, which means that you can save seeds from your own garden to plant for next year. We are a family-owned company and have had a lot of hands-on experience with growing the types of seeds that we sell, so you can rest assured that we are not just another mass-marketing company that happens to sell seeds. Our family has actually been farming for many generations, so this is nothing new for us. You will find our honesty and work ethic shine through in every package of seeds that you purchase from us. So look around, and enjoy!